SouthernBiotech的支原体检测试剂盒旨在专门检测细胞培养中潜在的支原体污染。该试剂盒采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术来扩增支原体基因组内保守的16S rRNA编码区域,从而提供了一种广泛、高灵敏度且高效的检测方法。精心设计的引物序列覆盖了支原体目(Mycoplasma、Acholeplasma和Ureaplasma)的三个属,使试剂盒能够检测超过95%的潜在细胞培养感染。
支原体检测试剂盒中的PCR技术快速(结果通常在不到3小时内获得)且易于使用。该试剂盒还具有高度灵敏度,能够检测出测试样本上清液中100 ?L内仅有2-5飞克的支原体DNA。试剂盒不会扩增来自细胞培养上清液的真核和细菌DNA。
被支原体感染的样本细胞系将在琼脂糖凝胶上产生一个大约448 bp至611 bp的PCR产物,具体大小取决于存在的支原体类型。试剂盒中包含一个阳性对照(M. orale, 503 bp),以验证PCR扩增过程是否发生,以及确认测试样本中获得的PCR产物的大小。还提供了一个内部对照,以消除与PCR抑制剂相关的潜在假阴性。
艾美捷SouthernBiotech-Mycoplasma Detection Kit(13100-01)组分:
Primer Set and Nucleotides (lyophilized) - Blue cap
Sterile PCR 10X Reaction Buffer (500 μL) - White cap
Positive Control DNA (lyophilized) - Yellow cap
Internal Control DNA (lyophilized) - Green cap
SouthernBiotech-Mycoplasma Detection Kit文献参考:
1. Bryant JD, Sweeney SR, Sentandreu E, Shin M, Ipas H, Xhemalce B, et al. Deletion of the neural tube defect-associated gene Mthfd1l disrupts one-carbon and central energymetabolism in mouse embryos. J Biol Chem. 2018;293:5821-33.
2. Pishas KI, Lessnick SL. Ewing sarcoma resistance to SP-2509 is not mediated through KDM1A/LSD1 mutation. Oncotarget. 2018;9:36413-29.
3. Tomino L, Boop E, Felgenhauer J, Selich-Anderson J, Shah N, . Combinatorial BRD4 and AURKA inhibition is synergistic against preclinical models of Ewing sarcoma. Cancer Reports.2019;e1163.
4. Chang S, Jin SC, Jiao X, Galán JE. Unique features in the intracellular transport of typhoid toxin revealed by a genome-wide screen. PLoS One. 2019;15(4):e1007704