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生物素-dPEG ® β-酰肼-1000 mg

Biotin-dPEG®₄-hydrazide-1000 mg


货号:CCT-QBD-10219-1000品牌:Click Chemistry Tools 规格:1000mg价格:询价/元 说明书:点击查看 COA下载:点击查看


Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide, product number QBD-10219, is a hydrophilic biotinylation reagent designed for labeling the carbohydrate coats of glycoproteins with biotin. The amphiphilic spacer provides excellent water solubility for poorly water-soluble biotin. Moreover, the dPEG®4 spacer is longer than the hydrophobic aminocaproic acid (LC) spacer used in biotin-LC-hydrazide, so it provides somewhat better access to the biotin binding pockets of avidin and streptavidin. Additionally, the dPEG®4 spacer reduces or eliminates non-specific binding in many applications. Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide, QBD-10219, is a carbonyl-reactive compound that forms semi-permanent hydrazone bonds with aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acid groups. Although there are numerous natural small molecules containing aldehydes and ketones, macromolecules of biological importance (peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids) rarely contain them. However, glycosylated proteins such as antibodies frequently contain carbohydrate residues known as reducing sugars that can be oxidized with sodium periodate, neuraminidase, or galactose oxidase to form aldehydes. The aldehydes thus formed then can be reacted with Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide at pH 5 – 7, labeling the protein with biotin through the formation of a Schiff base. Aniline or para-phenylenediamine catalyzes the reaction, forming the Schiff base quickly. For additional bond stability, sodium cyanoborohydride can be used to reduce the Schiff base to a secondary amine. Via carbodiimide chemistry (for example, 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, also known as EDC), Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide reacts with carboxylic acid groups forming a stable bond. The amphiphilic dPEG®4 spacer in Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide provides the ability to use Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide directly in water or aqueous buffer, making it more biocompatible than LC-biotin. Moreover, QBD-10219 will not trigger protein or peptide aggregation or cause non-specific binding due to hydrophobicity issues from the linker, both of which can occur with traditional biotin linkers like LC-biotin. Biotin-dPEG®4-hydrazide is highly useful for installing a biotin label onto glycoproteins. It is also used in cell labeling to label glycoproteins on cell surfaces. Biotinylated glycoproteins can be identified using streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugates, because of the high affinity between biotin and streptavidin. Biotinylated secondary antibodies are used frequently with avidin or streptavidin in plate-based assays such as ELISA and western blots. This reagent, coupled with avidin that has been modified to have reduced biotin-binding affinity, is for affinity purification of molecules.



Click Chemistry Tools(CCT)公司位于美国亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale,AZ)。自公司成立以来,一致致力于不断开发和扩展一系列连接产品。他们利用特别新的研究成果研发生产出新颖的交联和标记试剂。产品被广泛用于药物研发、癌症治疗以及各类诊断技术等。此外,CCT还可以提供个性化的定制产品,已满足不同用户的需求。目前CCT的产品线主要包括:Azides(Biotin-Azides)试剂、Bis-sulfone交联试剂、DBCO试剂、TCO试剂、Terminal Alkyne试剂、Tetrazine试剂、标记试剂盒以及分选用底物等。 Fluoroprobes公司位于美国亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale, AZ),自成立以来,一直致力于不断开发一系列的连接(linker)产品。利用特别新的研究成果研发生产出各类新颖的交联和标记试剂。其产品被广泛用于药物研发与筛选、疾病治疗方法和诊断技术等领域。此外,Fluoroprobes还可以根据客户的个性化需求提供各类定制连接产品。代表产品有Classic Fluorescent Dyes, AZDye, Cyanine Dyes, IR Dyes, MB dyes以及一些标记试剂盒等。 Quanta Biodesign公司位于美国中部的俄亥俄州,成立于1997年。也是专注于生产研发各类标记产品的品牌之一。其研发的产品与dPEG技术相结合,生产出他们独有的专利产品dPEG Building Blocks and Linkers,被广泛用于细胞治疗和分子诊断等研究领域。另外,还可为广大科研工作者提供多种化学修饰试剂以及传统Liner等。 目前上述三个品牌都已被被Vectorlabs收购并整合到Vectorlabs产品中




